Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Men, Women & Divines ( pg 7)


    I knew I had to change a couple things in order not to die, but I couldn't just kill Obren, not when he hadn't yet done anything wrong. In this time frame he might not, but I could not take the chance. I started with trying to save the Witch again, Anise was hard to convince that she should not try and take on the bandits by herself. I did manage to convince her after I sent Faendal out to chop wood, by telling her part of who I am, but mostly it was what I knew about her that convinced her. So After Faendal and I got through getting the Dragonstone from Bleakfalls Barrow and came by her cabin, she was inside, until we passed.

   When the bandits attacked us, she was behind lending much-needed support, but not in the direct line of fire. We stayed the night with her and as it was raining Faendal and Tex stayed upstairs, while Anise and I made up pallets in the basement area. We talked well into the night about some of my problems and between the two of us came up with a good plan for Obren, he would make a decent amount of money and Faendal could not hire him to watch my back.

     I had already changed a bit, as I had not left for Whiterun immediately after Bleakfalls, but It seemed the Bandits killed the assassin before we got there, so I had no reason to. Which worked very well for the plan that Anise and I had concocted.

   The next morning dawned crisp and clear, the way it often does after a good rain, but I knew it was only a squall before a major storm. I hurried Faendal to town, as he wanted to do some hunting, but I needed to intercept a group of traveling merchants. We got to town right as they were packing up to go, so I asked them what they had to sell and we set down to dickering about some of the loot that I had gotten from Bleakfalls. When Faendal saw what I was doing he asked me to sell his stuff also as Hod asked him to help him catch up with the wood cutting, Sven still sulking about Camilla.

   I talked to the merchant and when we were almost finished with our trading, I warned him about the storm to come. Saying that Anise, had told me that by listening to the Wind, Lady Kynareth had warned her about a large storm that would blow through before mid-afternoon. If they were not going to be where they were going by then, perhaps they should stay here another day.

   The merchant was slightly reluctant, but then he did admit he was one guard short and that meant one person short to help set up tents. I was silent for just a moment like I was thinking, then I told him about Obren, saying that mayhap the mercenary would be willing to work for him, at least until they could get to a larger town and find more people if that was he didn't want a permanent spot with the caravan.

   The next couple of days went almost exactly as they had before, but it helped that for a full day, Sven and I played at the Inn to keep Traders and Guards alike amused while the storm rolled over our heads. The Storm let up on the third day and after some much-needed armor improvement and getting a couple lessons from Faendal on the bow, I managed to talk him into staying in Riverwood and doing some much-needed hunting, while I went and gave the Dragonstone to the court Wizard.

   Anise would be helping me keep him in the area, by pretending to have a chest ailment that she didn't have, but would need some help with food and firewood for a little while due to her illness. Tex and I made our way to Whiterun, I stopped by and talked to Adrienne, I did not really have anything for her, but I asked if she had any bows that would suit me. She shook her head no and said she was concentrating on the arms and armor that the Imperial army needed, as they were paying her well. I shrugged and said I would go ask the Bosmers at the Drunken Huntsman, as they usually had good quality bows and could probably make me one if they didn't have it, she said that was true, they were excellent at making bows.

    As I walked through the door, I looked around for the large Nord that had been in the last time, but as that was two days ago for everyone else, it stood to reason he might not be here in the middle of the day. I talked to Elrindir about a bow that would have a good draw for me. Though I am strong for my size, I am rather small, smaller than some female Bosmer as it happens. I thought for a minute about asking about the Nord, but really I didn't want to be teased right now. Elrindir said he did not have a bow ready that would be suitable for me, he did have a child's bow, that would do in a pinch, till he could make one for me and If I would play and sing tonight, he would let me have the child's bow, for now, and take it back at cost in trade as long as nothing happened to it. I said that was fine, but I would need a place to sleep. Which turned out to be the storeroom again.

    I told him I would be back in a while, as I had a delivery to make up at Dragonsreach. I stopped in and gave Arcadia the herb's that she wanted and got a pretty bit of coin for them. I then walked up to the Jarls palace and into the room the wizard used. Farengar was there talking to the woman again. I pretty much figured out who she was, but as she wanted to keep her identity a secret I wouldn't say a word.

   I waited until a good point in their conversation and then let Farengar know I was there. I smiled at him and then handed him the tablet, telling him that I had a bit of help from Faendal in Riverwood and half the reward should be his. Tex gave a sharp bark and I told him I would pay him out of my half, the woman laughed, Farengar just looked confused. She told me I was rather brave and that she would come back in a couple days and they could collaborate on the Stone again then, but he really should send out some guards or something to some of the Dragon mounds to check them out.

    Farengar thanked me for getting the stone and said that the Jarl wanted to thank me also, but right at the moment he was busy with a delegation. I said that was fine and we started talking about some of the artifacts that I had pulled out of the Barrow, he was interested in a few and traded me some spell tomes for them. We talked for a good bit more and then I asked him about the Dragon mounds and where there  any on the way To Riften, as I had business there. He looked at the stone and then the map on the stand and started drawing on a hand-sketched map. As he was explaining exactly where the mounds were in regards to some of the other places, I heard the thunk of metal boots on wood and the slight tinkling sound heavy armor makes as the person in it moves.

   The deep gravelly voice of the large Nord from the other day asked Farengar if he could also go out and check some of the mounds. Farengar said that with dragons and the Civil War and all, it was getting dangerous and the two of us should go together. He introduce the man as Signar an unassigned housecarl, who at the moment was doing special jobs for the Jarl.

     I would have protested, but the truth is I did need someone to watch my back and while he might not be my housecarl, he would still be honor-bound to do me no harm and to protect me as long as I was with him doing work for the Jarl. He asked me if I had a horse and I said no, I had not thought about getting one.            
      Truthfully I hadn't, it's an expense that I didn't really need and might not even remember that I had.  Sometimes it got hard enough to remember that I didn't know someone 2 days ago, even though I knew their whole life story. What I mean is, even though I really have not known Faendal long, I knew more about him than he probably thought, as each time I have come back I asked different questions, so while he might only think he's talked about his life here in Skyrim, one life ago he talked about why he came to Skyrim in the 1st place.

    He asked did I know how to ride and care for a horse. I smile and said yes, I do, I just really had not thought about buying a horse right now. I had money on hold at the Temple of Mara in Riften, they took out a percentage for charity but it should be enough for me to buy a horse, among other things I actually needed, but I didn't say that. We took the carriage, with his horse tied up behind. Tex sat up with the carriage driver, I'm sure it was for the view, but could have been that he was giving the big dog cookies.

     Once in Riften, we went to the Temple and I retrieved some of the money that they held for me, I gave them a generous donation and somehow ended up with the task of helping out two young lovers in Iverstead. I went and talked to the vendors in the market and found out that one was a light arms trainer, so I paid for a couple of lessons and did the same with the smith. We then went and talked to the stableman, about my purchasing a horse. We settled on a price and some tack and feed and then we headed back into Riten and I talked to the barmaid about playing for a room and tips.

   The Trip to Iverstead and back was just a series of fighting bears, wolves, and giant spiders, so in the scheme of things lately, quiet. I learned a little about my traveling companion, he had once been a mercenary and then was a soldier, but came to Whiterun and was going to continue being a mercenary to make money. He happened to talk to one of the housecarls and it seemed like a good job, solid and honorable so he swore himself into service with the Jarl, who said that he was welcome to stay in his household or if a position with one of his Thane's came open, he might want to take that if he wanted to.

   I nodded it made a lot of sense to become a housecarl from being a mercenary, the pay might not be as good, but it was steady and you had a place to live, food, which were not always bad points. We went back to the Temple and I talked to the Priestess about the young couple, who no doubt would be on their way to visit the temple for the bonds of matrimony. She told me about another love-crossed couple in Markarth.

   I played and sang that night at the Inn and we left early the next morning. We probably should have taken the quicker way, but I wanted to stop in at Darkwater Crossing, as the Alchemist might have some herbs that I could not get easily in other areas. My very quick trip to the Alchemist in Riften wasn't a bust, but instead of getting a lesson or two, I ended up seeing if I could get a sample of ore. By the time all the delays were taken care of, I knew we would not reach Darkwater crossing before the sun had set.

    This would have been fine had I not spied a storm brewing in the distance, it already looked very menacing. By the time we could see the hot springs area, the storm was almost overhead. The clouds had a reddish cast that reminded me of another time and place... only the lightning there was leaving the ground, not heading towards it. Before the Thunder was a loud booming in our ears I slipped my packs off the saddle and onto my back and I suggested to Signar that he do the same. I repeatedly cast calm spells on both horses, but they did not last long. Up ahead I spied steps and some columns and knew they belonged to Dwemer ruins, I could only hope that enough of them were left to give us shelter.

   As it turned out, there were two different buildings, I chose the smaller of the two, it would still house us all and probably had fewer occupants.  Signar took Tex in with him to see if anything else had decided to take up residence, while I tried to keep both horses from bolting. He popped back out to say that all was clear and to take his horse. Neither wished to go in, but a simple spell pushed them both into the Dwemer building.

   I told Signar that I would quickly gather up some wood for a fire. I ran back out and started gathering up some of the fallen wood from close by. It seemed that all Oblivion was breaking out, lighting was striking treetops and some of the Dwemer ruins that I could see. The smell of Ozone and sulfur was strong in the air, I froze with the memories it brought back, but the ear-splitting clap of thunder shook me out of it and I ran into the Building.

   Signar had lit a torch that he jammed into an open work table and was gathering up what appeared to be ink pots, but I soon found out were in fact some kind of oil that burned brightly. He said they worked for light, but would give any food cooked on them a nasty flavor. This was a good thing to know. So I made a small fire and cooked some stew, with the ever-gifted rabbit from Tex. Signar prowled around and disappeared into the other room.

    After a minute or two, I got up and looked into the other room. Signar was taking some heavy-looking metal and putting it into the door handles, which would keep anyone from entering this room. He grabbed two more of the large pieces of metal. and jammed one in the door we entered through.

    I wandered around the room until the smell of stew took me back to the first room. I scooped out some stew and gave a bowl to Signar and another to Tex, who it happened liked stew. I took the third bowl and sat down on the bedroll I had placed earlier. I ate the stew and my thoughts turned back, they were not all that pleasant.

     I went about the normal camping chores and kept my thoughts to myself. I told Signar I would take the 1st watch and then wake him up, he could wake Tex and he would do the last watch. Signar gave me a dubious look, but I said that truly Tex would stand watch, but the last watch was best for him.

   I took up a position where I would see both sets of doors and let the cookfire burn down. The Dwemer pots left the room with a reddish cast, that reminded me of those days long ago.

   I could hear the sounds of lightning crackling, some from memory, some from outside. The red sky, the smoke, the sulfur and ozone smell, all helped to bring back memories that I truly did not want to relive. I tried to think of other things and managed it, until I woke Signar for his watch and my eye's closed, then I saw his beloved face.

    The wrench to my heart was enough to make me cry and I felt some tears leaking from under my eyelashes. He was my best friend, in a couple of my lives his lover, friendship was enough for the most part. The night's we sat in the Library and talked the night away.. only to realize we had not discussed the matter at hand at all. I was his right-hand woman, doing all those things that he did not have the time or in some instances the skills to do.

    It wasn't until after I had relived that last day.. the day he was lost forever except in my heart - had experienced that soul-rending sense of loss after his great sacrifice, that I got any restful sleep. I am not sure that I did not cry out in my sleep, I know I have done so before. I died in that time shortly after and was not reborn for at least a hundred years, then the only thing I did was help some Dunmer find a new home. Now here.

     I woke to look quickly around to make sure I was still in the room at the Inn in Winterhold. The sense of being elsewhere, of reliving a past that I never saw, was very great and all I could wonder at was who this woman was. I could feel her emotions, the terror and conviction as she walked through that first Oblivion gate and the love for the man she spent so much time talking to, the helplessness as she watched him transform on that day. I knew who he was, who would not, but I only had a clue as to who she might be.

   Why I was seeing her, why I was reliving some of her life, those were the things that I asked the Priestess of Azura to ask of the Lady. She had told me to come back in a day or so, as the lady often did not answer her right back.

   I would wait, I needed to know.

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