Sunday, March 6, 2016

The end of A Journey... pg 30

Akeemi part 30 - The End of a Journey

When the world stopped spinning, I found myself standing in the Time Wound.  The roaring in my ears, the sound of dragons. I stood there listening to the babble of multiple dragons all proclaiming that Alduin was dead.... something about me and my Thu'um... and that they were free.

I figured standing there looking confident was about the best thing I could do at that time. I did not wish to appear weak before the assembled dragons.  In reality, I was shaking both inside and out.  I was glad Adrienne had put a heavy silk lining in this armor, otherwise, my teeth would also have been chattering. I started thinking about the meaning of fire, concentrating on the warmth part, it did seem to help.

As more and more dragons left, I went to speak to Paarthurnax.  He congratulated me on my victory over Alduin, though he was saddened by his brother's death, Akatosh's first son.  I did not tell him that I thought Alduin was not truly gone, just perhaps any physical form he might take, for the time being anyway.  A soul did not just cease to exist, definitely not one as strong as Alduins. He flew off after saying that he was going to see if he could convert other dragons to The Way of the Voice.  I wished him luck in that endeavor,  but I didn't think many would join.

The next dragon to land near me was something of a surprise,  Odahviing.  He also congratulated me but did not seem overly sad at Alduin's demise.  He said he had thought about the gift of my knowledge and did not wish to accept it at this time, but would sometime in the future when things were more settled.   He also did not think too many would follow Paarthurnax's, "Tyranny in the Way of the Voice". I understood because I could not follow it either.

He surprised me when he offered to come to my aid, should I need him, if he heard of course. I thanked him and did ask one favor of him, simply spreading the word that I would not go dragon hunting unless my people were being attacked.  He said that was fair enough, though he thought there were those that would, just because they would not believe in the strength of my Thu'um. I shrugged my shoulders, that was no more than I had figured.

I looked around the mountain top, empty and quiet, the snow falling in large flakes, it would probably turn into a blizzard before long. I adjusted the pack and staff's on my shoulders and told my feet they might as well get to walking, not like I really could conjure up a horse. Well, maybe I could if I knew the proper spell. I was too tired to use my Thu'um to both clear the weather and move faster, so I went as fast as my legs would carry me.

  The Greybeards were waiting in the courtyard when I got there. Arengier congratulated me and asked what I was going to do now. I had to tell him that I wasn't sure, but I planned to head home and take a prolonged vacation if the dragons, war, vampires, and other such disasters would leave me alone for a while. I got a hug from each of them and I kissed Borri on the cheek, he seemed to have a good sense of humor.

I walked through the Temple and had almost made it out the door when I was grabbed from behind. Fear and rage were my first emotions, I was a fool for not paying attention.  In a split second, I had two spells ready, I cast a lighting cloak spell and a levitate spell that I had not used in...well ages. Only I didn't levitate myself but used it to throw the other person into the wall.

The male yell that I heard as I turn around and faced my "attacker" was from a very familiar voice. As he slid down the wall and the last of the lightning, dissipated from his armor, I ran over to him, with a healing spell all prepared.

"Damn it all woman, what in Oblivion are you trying to do?" He got no further in his tirade as I placed my hands on either side of his head, releasing the healing spell as my lips met his.

"I told you I would return, but I didn't expect you to be here. I would not have reacted so quickly if I had." I was half sitting half kneeling on his lap and my lips were not far from his. We were as firmly pressed together as two people in bulky armor can be. I did not want to let him go and yet I stood up and offered my hand to him. He took it and stood up.

"My Lady, I saw many dragons, including the one that you flew off on, flying to the Throat of the World, I heard them Ummm talking to each other. Even though I could not understand, I figured if they were coming here, then either you or Alduin would come out of that Time Wound thing."

"So I decided if they thought you might appear here, then here is where I needed to be. Only it was very cold up there and all of those dragons made me edgy. I told Nelthas and Aranea to stay at the house, just in case I was wrong." It made sense anyway and I was happy to see him.

"Well my Love, let's get going, I would like a bath and if I have to jump in the river to get the smell of musty old bones off of me, then that is what I am going to do. You did bring the horses right?"

He chuckled and said that yes he had. "How long do you have?" I turned and smiled at him.

"Til I die, old and grey hopefully." His eyes said that he thought I was only telling him what he wanted to hear.  "No, my Love, I am being serious. T'sun as much as said that I had a task yet to do, but that I would be welcome in Shor's Hall upon my honorable death...or words to that effect anyway. Don't you see? If I was to go to another time and be another person, I might not have a way to earn my way into Shor's Hall, just because I am Dragonborn here, does not mean I will be there. Do you see?"

A Warrior in Ancient armor stood at the bend in the road, watching the two ride into Iverstead. A huge black hound trotted up beside him. 

"Can you see what happens to her next?"

The Black hound stood there no more, in his place a warrior appeared, his blue eye's slightly sad.

"No, I can not see, her destiny is now her own to make." The ancient warrior nodded and turned, disappearing into the shadows. T'sun stood there a moment longer, watching and listening till he could no longer see the pale gleam of her hair in the late evening sun or hear the music of her laughter.

" I will miss you too my friend, live long and be happy." With that he turned and walked into the shadows, returning to his post.

    ~~~~~~~~                                                 Finis                                           ~~~~~~~~

This is the last of Akeemi's story, as with many of my Fan Fiction stories it is a 'write as I go in a challenge' story. This challenge was Dead is Dead, the character dies and they are done, following the  Skyrim main quest. In this particular challenge, we were allowed to 'resurrect' at specific points if we died. All of Akeemi's resurrections are reflected in this story, except one. Technically the challenge was over before I got to part 29, so I didn't write in her death in Skuldafn.

I hope you enjoyed Akeemi's story.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

On my Way to Sovngarde pg 29

We landed at Skuldafn and I thanked Odahviing for bringing me here. I did tell him that he was wrong in one respect, I did not really envy the Dovah their wings, my mortality and those things that came with it were a good trade-off. I regretted the necessity of using dragonrend, but as he had felt what it meant to die, I would gift him with the rest of the knowledge of what being mortal meant, but I would like him to think about it.

" You can not unknown the emotions and feelings and I would not force those on one who lives more by instinct and logic."

"Thank you Dovahkiin, I will think on that. It is a generous offer. I will wait to see who has the Stronger Thu'im, if it is you, I will have your answer." With that, he took off and I was alone in this place.

I turned and faced Skuldafn and started forward. Draugr, Skeletons, and Dragons, I found a good use for the Storm Call Thu'um and as many fell to that and my Storm Atronach as any other spell I used. Getting through the Temple was a matter of seeing them before I was seen and hitting them with a spell or arrow.

When I left the Temple for the main altar area, I was almost overwhelmed. I called a storm and summoned two Atronachs then backed through the Temple door. The Deathlords followed me through the door, along with some skeletal guardians, but the dragons and the Dragon Priest did not.

My Atronach's followed me through and though they dissipated fairly quickly under the onslaught, I used my staff to summon more, then used my lighting rune staff to help keep them at a distance. I used up what magic I had, most of them were on the ground, hopefully, dead for good. A few were still coming at me, so I pulled my ax, thankful that mage or no, I kept in practice with it.

When all who had followed me back into the Temple were down, I paused at the door. I used a few of the potions that Aranea had put in the packs and thanked her for-sight in getting them for me. I recalled quickly that the two dragons outside had been Elder Dragons using Frost, so I quickly cast an Icy veil spell to help dissipate some of the effects. Then walked out the door again.

I quickly used my Thu'um using Storm Call again. Caste dual Flame Atronach spells and started lobbing firebolts at the dragon and the few Deathlords that had not followed me through the door.  With the Dragon Priest getting hit with lightning so often, he was having problems of his own... but even the Dragons were smart enough to land and stay low. He kept to his Alter and was holding his Staff up high... it was acting like a lightning rod.

I saw one lightning bolt hit the Dragon Priest square and he dissolved into a pile of ash, at the same time, I felt a new Dragon arriving. This one was stronger than the two Elder Dragons I had faced and I had been hard-pressed with them. So I darted towards the alter, picking up the Dragon Priest's mask and staff, the staff I put in the slot on the alter.

I watched as a blazing white light opened up in the space before the Alter and felt the dragon land.  I turned just in time to cast a ward spell and back down into the portal. The Thu'um he used actually knocked me into the portal.

When I could see again,  I knew I was standing in Sovngarde. Tear's struck my eye's blind for a moment, then I dashed them away. I had a job to do, I was not a Nord, but this, I could spend eternity here, not soon though, I would prefer to spend a lifetime with Signar.

I heard Alduin calling in the mist that covered the valley, I heard the sounds of men dying, dying a final death, their souls lost for the power that Alduin craved. I walked down into the valley, the shadows of the lost echoing in my ears. I readied my Clear Sky's Thu'um so that I would not be walking in the mist, I was not sure that Alduin could not snare my soul.

I found a couple of soldiers in the mist and they followed me for a time, but they got to arguing with each other and I could not see them any longer. I heard the yells as Alduin took their souls, my heart was heavy as I neared the bridge to Shor's Hall.

"What brings you here, grim wanderer, to Sovngarde, Shor's Hall to the honored dead?" The deep voice startled me, as I had not seen the man standing in the shadow of a pillar. I looked up at the man and continued to tilt my head up, good Lord was he tall. I looked into his Crystalline blue eyes and blinked.

"I pursue Alduin, the world eater. I wish entry to the Hall of Valor."  I tipped my head sideways and stepped back once, so my neck wasn't at an awkward angle while still keeping eye contact.

"You are not an honored Shade, but among the living, why dare you the land of the dead. By what right do you request entry?"

"By right of Birth, I am Dragonborn."

" Ah, it has been a long time since we had one of the doom-driven hero's of the Dragonblood pass through Sovngarde."

"May I pass into the Hall, I only wish to speak to the tongues of old?"

"Living or Dead, by Shor's decree,  none may pass this perilous bridge, til I judge them worthy in honorable combat". The feral grin on his face told me he enjoyed his job. He pulled his ax and took a warrior's stance across from me.

I would have been more comfortable using magic, but I too drew my ax, but then conjured a shield and our battle commenced. We traded blows for a time, he had a counter for every move I made like he was a sparring partner or had often seen me in battle. I got some good solid hits in, I had not used a shield much in Skyrim, but I had in other wars.

I stared into the crystal blue eyes as we circled each other and thought how familiar they looked again, but I know I would have remembered anyone of his massive size. We traded blows till I felt my shoulder start to ache, I really needed to keep my muscles in practice for using shields, relying on magic had made them kinda weak.

About the time I felt my shield starting to dissipate, I readied another spell this one, one of my Masters used quite frequently. As the shield dissipated, Tsun grinned and readied a blow, that never came as I unleashed the spell. A massive clap of thunder sounded right behind him and he flinched, exactly as I had the first dozen times my Master had used it.

  I swung my ax and at the last second turned it sideways so that the flat of it hit him in the head. He staggered and went to a knee, the battle was mine. I sheathed my ax and stood looking at him.

"You fought well, I find you worthy to pass. It has been long since the living has entered the Hall of Valor, I hope you find that which you seek." I looked back up into his face, his blue eye's twinkled with good humor. So I smiled back at him. "That was a clever trick, Dragonborn."

" One of my first Weapons Masters, used it on his students all the time, said if we allowed ourselves to be distracted in a battle, we die.". He smiled grimly and nodded.

I walked across the Whalebone bridge and entered the Hall of Valor. I was met at the door by Ysgramor, who told me that the doors to the Hall had stood shut since the arrival of Alduin, none to enter, trapped by his snare. None to exit by Shor's decree, but three stood ready to fight by my side, at my word.

I walked around for a moment and from a distance, saw a few "hero's" of Old that I knew, personally. I did not greet them, because they did not know my full story and would wonder at my being here in this time, so far from the ones they themselves lived in. Too long of a story for a short visit to Shor's Hall.

I found the Tongues of old and we talked for a moment, coming up with a battle plan. I needed to know their skills as they needed to know mine. When we had a plan fixed, each of us would take turns keeping Alduin grounded, for only then could we defeat him.

This is what we did, we taunted him by clearing the mist from the valley, until such a time as he came to us. Felldir and I took the two points with the most cover, Hakon and Gormlaith the other two. It was not a short battle and I used the charges up in all of my Staff's, then I used the scrolls that I had brought with me, interspersing both with the spells I knew and my bow.

When he finally dissolved into fire, no soul did we absorb... I knew that Akatosh had grabbed that and an Aspect of Alduin would return sometime in the future.  The three tongues praised me for a battle well fought and said they would be proud to call me a Shield sister.

" That was a mighty deed! The doom of Alduin and Sovngarde cleansed at last. They will sing of this battle in Shor's Hall forever. But your fate lies elsewhere, you have a task yet undone. At the end of your days, you may be welcomed back to feast by my side, I will welcome you with glad friendship and much feasting. Let me know when you are ready to go and I will return you to Nirn".

I walked a short distance away and stood looking at the valley, which was now peaceful. I walked the shores of the river and stood just looking at the aurora with it's shifting colors, I drank in the peace.

I felt a large hand settle to my shoulder. "Tarry not long, the land of the dead is not a good place for the living". I nodded and turned to face Tsun. I looked at him long and smiled, lifting my hand to his cheek, I pulled his head downward and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

" I will miss you my friend, but I am ready to go back... for whatever time I have," I whispered against his ear.

He smiled and said that Shor had decreed me a gift, anytime I needed help I could call on one of the tongues for aid. He taught me the Thu'um. He backed away from me and right before he sent me back he winked.

My heart quickened with a thought......

Friday, March 4, 2016

Dragonsreach pg 28


"You want to do what?" I winced at the Jarls tone, I couldn't blame him, but I needed the trap on his great porch to snare a dragon.  So I explained it to him again.

"My Lord, I would not even think of asking such a thing, but it is not just dragons that have returned," I paused and took a deep breath, " Alduin has returned My Lord, we had him, we had him down, but he escaped." No point in saying how, I really wasn't sure myself., "I need another dragon to get information".

"Alduin, the world eater himself. Doesn't that mean it's the end of times?" He sat up straight as he said that.

"I am Dragonborn My Lord, I can defeat him... I will not will not go down without a fight. I need your help though." I could only hope I did not sound as desperate as I felt.

"Huh... Whiterun will come to your aid Dragonborn, as you came to ours. Ours the sacrifices, ours the glory." he paused for just a moment, " How do you plan on getting a Dragon here?"

" I don't know actually." I admitted ruefully, " But I needed to know if I would have your aid, plus I figured you might need to test the trap, make sure it will still work. It would be a real mess if we got the dragon into the great porch and then the trap would not spring" That was an understatement.

"You are right about that. I will have the guards not only look at the trap but to make sure they are ready for the dragon to possibly attack the town. Let me know when you are ready Dragonborn, we will be. Now, I have preparations to make and a town to run."  I knew that for the dismissal it was and left.

I had two choices as I saw it, The first was to ask Esbern if he knew of a way to call a dragon, but he and Delphine would not be happy with Paarthurnax and my association with him. The second was to go back to the Throat of the World and ask Paarthurnax himself. I leaned against one of the pillars and looked up at High Hrothgar, damn, but it was the better choice right now.

"Is something wrong Dragonborn?" one of the guards asked.

"No, friend, I am just contemplating going back to the top of that mountain?" I said pointing up at High Hrothgar.

"I don't envy you that climb, friend." He said as he continued on his rounds. For the first time, I felt a twinge of envy at the wings of my blood kin, I may have dragon blood, but I can not fly. I squashed that feeling, it could lead down a dark path, that I did not wish to take.

I headed back to the house and let the others know that another trip to High Hrothgar was in the offing. I asked Nelthas if he and Aranea would stay here, him to oversee the new additions,  I wanted locks we didn't need to worry about, Aranea to brew up some potions, we would probably need them. Some of the staffs could use recharging also. They both agreed though neither looked happy about it.

The one thing I really wanted was a bath, so I headed up the stairs. I turned on the taps and then went back to the bedroom to get out of the armor. The under-clothing I threw in the small basket I kept for that, the armor itself I turned inside out so that the heavy silk lining could air out. I hung it on the odd hanger that kept all the pieces together, but open.

" Are you trying to drown or look like a wrinkled old lady?" My eye's popped open at the voice next to my ear. Signar was sitting on the bath step, with a towel thrown over his shoulder. He stood up and pulled the towel off his shoulder, wiggling his eyebrows he held the towel out by both ends. I laughed and stood up, the water was kinda cold, I must have fallen asleep.

"I wasn't very subtle was I?" I heard him chuckle behind me as we walked the couple steps into the bedroom. As his arms came around me I leaned back into his chest, I could feel his breath tickle my ear.

"As subtle as an avalanche. The good news is that Nelthas thinks you just want time alone, with me. Aranea, now, she might have other thoughts." Goosebumps replaced the towel, as it hit the floor, but it wasn't the chill I felt.

Nelthas and Aranea were already up when we came downstairs. Neither were in their travel armor, but both had packs by their feet.

"We got these ready for you last night. Figured you would want to get up and be off as early as possible. " Nelthas and Aranea walked us to the Stables to see us off. Thankfully the weather held all the way up High Hrothgar.

This time I left Signar in Iverstead and used my Thu'um to climb the mountain faster, Paarthurnax would know I was coming. He had already thought about who to call and had an answer for me, Odahviing. I went down the mountain as fast as I had climbed it.

Signar and I stayed the night in Iverstead and I related the news to him. We talked well into the night, both of us knew my time, in this time, might be coming to an end. I lay curled in his arm's in the wee hours of the morning, I knew he was asleep from the evenness of his breathing and the relaxed weight of his arm.

I stared into the shadows of the darkened room and wanted to cry and scream at the same time. Had I not paid enough for the ill deeds of an ancestor that I had never met? I did not sleep much that night and was blurry-eyed and cranky the next morning. I tried, I really did to not let my foul mood get the better of me, but a family of frost trolls that decided to attack paid the price.

I cast a spell that up until that time I had not been able to use since handing over my family necklace to Signar. The Firestorm spell pretty much made the frost trolls die in their tracks. Signar was standing there with his sword and Shield out and a look on his face that said I had taken all the fun out of his day. I laughed and said "Sorry Sweetie" and got back on my horse.

Temper tantrum or did I now have more magic at my disposal? I wasn't sure, but it was something to think about. We got into Whiterun late in the afternoon, I decided to go tell the Jarl I knew how to call a dragon to me, it wasn't guaranteed to work, but should. We would do it the next day.

Before I left the Jarl with many last-minute preparations, he asked me to hold on a moment.
 "The people of Whiterun decided that you needed better armor, so here are two sets. Both are made by Adrinne, she designed one set, the other the Nobles of the town asked her to make. " He had the guards lay both sets out.

I looked at the gold plate set and coughed.. "Well that is rather nice, they put a lot into it." The Jarl chuckled and said that the Nobles would be upset were I not to fight this dragon in it. I sighed and looked at the other set. I gasped as I recognized some of the Dragon Scales that I had sold to Adrinne. "This, this is both beautifully crafted and well thought out. I can feel the enchantments on it. Farengar must have done some of them?"

"Yes, he said he thought about what would be most needed, it's got resists for fire, frost, and lightning on the different pieces along with a couple of other things that he could probably explain better." The Jarl had a twinkle in his eye, I knew that was just a way of saying that I should thank Farengar and ask him what all was put on it and I would before I left the Palace.

"Well as I can't carry both sets, I'll leave the Dragon Scale here and wear the Gold Plate tomorrow when we call the dragon, people will see me in it and the guards will let them know otherwise."

"That sound's like a plan Dragonborn, we will see you just after dawn tomorrow morning?" I nodded and thanked him.

I got back home and the others were sitting down at the table talking, I could smell that dinner was cooking.  I looked at them and smiled, then a thought hit me, I was missing a pair of crystal blue eyes. Where had Tex gotten off to? Well, he would reappear when he felt like it but, when had I seen him last? Could he be hurt somewhere? No.. no...we were at the stables the last time I had seen him, he was probably just out hunting on the tundra.

"So.. Tomorrow. The idea is to lure the Dragon onto the great porch and trap the dragon, I'm the bait. When I get the Dragon to land, don't run up and attack him, dissolve into the stonework and let him back me down the porch, then one of the guards will spring the trap. The idea here is to not get anyone killed. "

"Muthsera, I made these enchanted items, you can't wear them all, but I think once the dragon attacks you will know which set to put on." Aranea handed me three silk packets and I opened the blue colored one. I smiled as I touched the amulet.

"Fire, frost, and Lightning?" I asked, when she nodded I thanked her. Signar was looking at the Gold plated armor that I had placed on a chest. He was frowning when he asked.

"You don't intend to wear this tomorrow, do you? Gold? Your fighting a dragon that may use fire, gold melts at a low temperature." I sighed, as angry as he would be, I could not afford the ill will of the Nobles of Whiterun, it didn't matter if he was correct or not.

"I do, I intend to wear it on my walk to the great porch, Adrinne created that armor, she would not make something so badly as that. It is not just gold, it is gold and steel melded together in a fashion I have not seen.  More like Elven armor, but not the same materials. Besides their is a better set that the Jarl is holding, I can wear that once I get there, if I think it is a better choice." He nodded.

Our plan with Odahviing worked exactly as planned, even the armor worked with his fire breath. He even gave me the location of Alduin and how to get there, with a small hitch. Their was no way to get there except to fly. I cursed mentally and knew that made sense, Alduin would not want his main fortress to be something easy to get to.

I knew there must be a way. Unless he made his dragons fly his priests and their attendants and all food supplies in, their had to be a water or land route in. That of course did not mean it was accessible from Skyrim. So I made a deal with Odahviing to fly me there for his release. After he was released he walked to the end of the porch and rested.

I walked back to the others, including the Jarl, and told them what Odahviing had told me. Signar said not a word the whole time, but I could see his hands balled into fists, his lips thinned, his jaw hard as a rock and his eyes, the look in them was enough to break my heart.

"Aranea, could you please get the Dragon scale armor that Adrinne made me, I think in a prolonged battle it will be more sturdy." She nodded yes and the Jarl said he would show her where it was.  Nelthas trailed behind him. I walked off to one of the side alcoves to wait, talk to Signar, and change.

" So, you are going where I cannot follow? How am I to protect you?" I had stripped down to the thin gambeson that that come with Armors. He pulled me up against the hard plate of his armor and I thought I might end up with some bruised ribs from the strength of his hold. " I can not lose you."

I looked up at him and I almost choked at the look on his face, his blue eyes glittering with un-shed tears. There was nothing I could really say that was truthful that would take the look off his face. So I said the only things I could.

" I Love you, you are my heart, my soul. What I can do to return, I will, that I promise you. I will live, the Divines willing or allowing, I will come back to you".  He held me until Nelthas came with the other armor, then helped me into it. Nelthas told me to wait as Aranea was running to the house with one of the guards to get my staff's and some other supplies I would probably need and not be able to get.

When she came back I gave each one of them a hug and a kiss and told Nelthas and Aranea to take care of Signar for me. I looked around one last time, but Tex was nowhere to be found. Then I put the pack on my back, along with the staff's I wanted to take, and told Ohdaviing I was ready to go. I looked back at my friends and my heart and then with a determined set of my shoulders climbed onto Ohdaviing's neck.

Just before we took off, he said to hold tight...I would see how the dovah saw the world, I would truly know envy then. I looked down at the world after we took off and yes, it was a beautiful sight, but nowhere as beautiful as the light in Signar's eye's when I entered a room.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

From the Deepest Place to the Highest pg 27

Have you ever read a story that began "It's a dark and stormy night?" And you just knew it was a horror story? Well, let me tell you, it wasn't a dark and stormy morning when we left the Statue of Azura, it was a beautiful morning, bright and sunny, with only a few flurries of windblown snow and not much of that.

We had not made it to Aftland when Nelthas pointed out that there was something on top of one of the buildings that had not been there before. We got closer and yeah... a mechanical dragon? Were the Dwemer crazy? OK, don't answer that, I can see the answer to my question.

The worst thing was, there was a dragon inside that mechanical body and he wasn't happy. They had messed with him so much that he was crazy. Evidently, the expedition that had disappeared had started the process of waking him, we had finished when we were here the last time. Well, we put him back to sleep, when I absorbed his soul, I dug into it and then used it as hurriedly as I could on the "Storm Call" Thu'um that I really couldn't use, but it was better than hearing his voice inside my head.

Before we had gathered back together to go into Aftland, an Elder Dragon attacked, and if he wasn't enough, a family of Frost Trolls also decided to attack. It was an odd fight, to say the least, the Dragon was all upset about his friend dying, but at the same time, he said it was good that his soul was finally at rest. Well, I put him at rest also, well sorta, I could still feel him inside.

We headed into Aftland, the men walked ahead, and we ran into nothing until we found a member of the expedition, he was slightly crazy and attacked us. The sword Signar put through his chest laid him to rest and then we placed him next to his brother. I read the journal and then placed it next to both bodies, if someone else came before we got out, they would know who the two of them were, if not I would send word, via caravan about the demise of the brothers.

The Dwemer built well, both the building machinery and its wards were still very active. The men debated the whole time, Signar thought that the Dwermer got what they deserved messing with mechanical devices and turning from the Divines, Nelthas was fascinated by all the Machinery and said he would love to get an intact automaton to study. I'm not quite sure if he meant to watch or take apart piece by piece. Aranea said that she had heard debates about the Dwemer returning as abruptly as they disappeared.

I had talked to Yargrum at Tel Fyr... I probably knew more of the Dwemer than anyone left alive. I did not at all feel sorry for them, what they did, they did to themselves.... well mostly anyway. I did however feel pity for the Falmer, that we ran into, I felt a knot in my stomach as I looked down on the first of many Falmer that would die this day. Snow Elves, what was done to them, yes I felt some pity. No one deserved to live this way...generation after generation. At the same time, the Dwemer had been gone for so long, that had there been any sense left to them, they could have changed themselves long ago, changes that would have shown today.

When we entered Blackreach proper, there was no doubt. We stood on a balcony overlooking the area, all of us amazed at what we were seeing. Giant glowing mushrooms, some reaching almost to the ceiling, which also had some kind of glowing fungus or something that looked like multi-colored stars. There were crystalline rocks of some kind that gave off a soft bright light. There was a hum in the air that was almost inaudible, but it was beautiful in the same way listening to crickets on a warm summer's night is beautiful.

We probably would have stood there for a long while, if a Dwemer guardian hadn't decided to attack us at the moment. It really didn't stand much of a chance with the five of us attacking it. We did a quick check of the area, Signar and I on one side of the road, and Nelthas and Aranea went in the other, with Tex darting ahead of us going back and forth.

I was very happy to find a lift that took us right up to the top levels of Aftland, when we found the second lift that went directly outside, I was more than happy. In the distance, I had seen more Falmer and some creatures that I wasn't sure what they were, but if we didn't find the correct tower, Mzark, then we could sleep above ground.

This is pretty much what we did, Blackreach was a huge area and we had to search every tower. A giant ornate yellow ball that glowed with a light of its own, was centered over a walled fort-type area. We skirted that, as it had Falmer and some humans guarding it, though the humans seemed to be slaves, they fought alongside their masters. In the furthest corner, just when we all began to think that we would have to storm that fort to find the Elder Scroll, we found the correct tower and we were not the only ones to have found it.

Tex ran ahead and then came back with a skeletal arm in his mouth, the hand clutching a journal. Signar and he played an odd game of tug of war over the arm and journal, but finally, Signar had the journal and Tex had the arm... then spat it out. He handed me the book and I read through it quickly.

The Book, the Lexicon, buttons that lit up... four minds and a barking dog, but we figured it out and soon were on our way back to see Paarthurnax.

On the lift we debated the fastest way back to High Hrothgar, without the horses it would be a long walk, but not every town had carriage service.  At one point Signar asked why I had not learned to conjure up a horse. I looked at him and said I did know one, but he would still be walking, Nelthas and Aranea laughed, Tex just snorted and kept going.

We decided the walk to Whiterun was only slightly longer than the one to Windhelm and since our horses were in Whiterun, it made more sense to go there. We discussed our strategy with Alduin, the best way to defeat him. What was decided is that I would concentrate my Thu'um's on Dragonrend alone, to keep him on the ground as much as possible. If he got in the air, Aranea would heal whatever wounds we had, The men would close in from the sides, with Tex harrying his legs. I would conjure atronachs to harry him at a distance and also cast destruction spells with Aranea. Heal myself as needed.

We also talked about going back to Blachreach and making that a home away from home, when Whiterun got too hot with the Thalmor. Well, Nelthas and Aranea talked of it, Signar just took my hand and said nothing. I, on the other hand, knowing it might never be, for me at least, helped them to plan out a good "expedition", to head down.

It passed the days until we got to High Hrothgar, we took the horses through the Temple, as there was no way around. None of us might be in shape to ride down the mountain. I can not say that all the Greybeards were happy at seeing the horses walk through, but Borri had laughter in his eyes.

I walked ahead of everyone with Signar leading my horse, using "clear sky's" to clear the freezing fog. Tex walked by my side, I looked down into those Crystal blue eyes and saw eternity in them, then nothing but doggy devotion. Sometimes I let my own imagination run away with me.

We left the horses right at the gate to the Throat of the World, where the icy fog never reached. Paarthurnax was waiting for me.  He said he felt the Kelle, the Elder Scroll and that time was shuddering at its presence. I would need to hurry to the Time Wound, as Alduin would surely be here very soon.

I got a hug from everyone, except Tex who reared up on his hind legs and licked my cheek... and Signar, who hung back til the others walked away. He hugged me close and brought his lips to just touch mine, "I love you, do not get stuck in time, I do not want to have to track another of these scrolls down to go hunting for you". Then his lips pressed into mine and I thought he would crush me to the steel plate of his armor.

I walked away and opened the Elder Scroll...... I saw a thousand thousand lives, things that could happen, might happen, did happen, and then the words and scenes got so bright that I saw nothing. When I could again see, what I saw was a battle of dragons and men. Carnage, the bodies of both lay strewn over the battlefield like broken toys after a child had a tantrum.

Then they came, Paarthurnax's friends, they slew a dragon in front of me but they did not use the Dragonrend shout, it wasn't needed. Then they talked for a while, Alduin had not come to do battle with them, those he had met, died, their bodies littering the ground, their souls the fuel that Alduin used to continue to fight.

I listened as the elder one said that he had brought the Elder Scroll in case they could not defeat Alduin and heard the others say that that was not what they had agreed upon. But Alduin chooses that moment to appear, so I listened and I learned the Dragonrend Thu'um and heard what he thought of it.

I watched as the woman died and the two men fought a losing battle, the elder one then brought out the scroll and said some words that sent Alduin forward in time and me back to my own.

I was disoriented for a moment but heard Paarthurnax say that Alduin was coming... I should use the Dragonrend words to put him on the ground and he would be mortal for that time.

Our battle plans worked the way in which we thought they would, except for one small detail. By the time I felt Alduin weaken to the point he was using up the souls he collected, he flew off, I tried the Dragonrend shout, but it did not work.

We healed ourselves up and then went to talk to Paarthrunax.. I apologized for hitting him with the Dragonrend shout, but I had had no chance to see what kind of spread it had, it was more than I thought. He was not happy about it, but now he could honestly say he knew what I was capable of.

We talked for a bit and came to the conclusion that we would need to capture a dragon. There was only one place that any of us could come up with that would hold a dragon because it had held a dragon. I hoped I was still in the jarl's good graces. I am not sure I would be after suggesting trapping a dragon in his home, in his town, after he tried so hard to keep the Civil War away from its doors.

We left right away for Whiterun, stopping to let the Greybeards know what was happening. Borri is the only one that would come anywhere near us and I knew he would not speak. His eyes were again twinkling as we marched the horses through the Temple. I did stop and explain what was happening and also to make sure that the horses didn't leave anything behind.

As we exited the Temple, I looked down and sighed, it was at best a two-day trip. A day or two at home would not go amiss, we might be able to manage that. I was not looking forward to talking to the Jarl, but I would... the day after we got there, as I wanted time at home.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

There and Back Again pg 26

I was more than happy that we had the horses, even though it meant a trip back to Whiterun to leave them there. We traveled past Aftland and searched around a bit, but even after finding the entrance, we didn't enter. I wasn't sure that we were properly prepared for an extended journey into a Dwemer ruin. Plus there was no place to leave the horses here, they would lack water if not food because there would be no way to keep it from freezing.

The journey to Whiterun was mostly uneventful, except when I heard a Word Wall and we went to check it out. The Dragon we all expected, the Dragon Priest that popped out of his crypt was another matter. Tex who was the closest got the brunt of the damage when he first came out. I cast a healing spell on him when he got close to me.

I got another surprise when he took over my summon and it started attacking Signar.  I maneuvered so that  I got the Dragon Priest to kill the summon. While I hit him with some of my strongest spells. Signar got too close for me to just lob spells at him, so summoned a bow and went in closer also. Tex was coming at him from behind and Nelthas was standing off to the other side using his bow.

This seemed to work for us, he seemed to be weakening and moving more erratically. When he finally could not hold up any longer, he turned to ash... only a mask and staff were left. From there it was a short trip into Whiterun, we regrouped and replenished our supplies. I also ordered more, from the market Vendors and the Alchemist... We would be going to get Azura's star and give it to the Priestess, then it would be on to Aftland from there.

The one good thing about having our home in Whiterun is that Jarl Balgruf tried to remain neutral in the Civil War, so the Thalmor were not really welcome here and I knew the guards would have my back if they came to harass me. After we were done with all the purchases Tex was already gone, probably to beg Hulda for some stew, which left Signar and I almost alone.

I went up the stairs and ran into the bathtub, I can not even explain how good it felt to step into that hot water and soak away the aches and tension. I heard Signar talking to the guard downstairs and then his heavy boots coming up the stairs. He peeked his head through the door and asked if there was room for him.

I patted the water beside me but then got up and started unbuckling his armor. I had to reheat the water a couple of times... and threw some extra blankets on the floor to soak up the water that we sloshed over, but I had no tension left in my body by the next morning... I woke happily and completely recharged. Signar certainly had a silly smirk on his face when we went down for breakfast, a look that was duplicated by Nelthas when he walked through the door. The men shared "a Look" and I just rolled my eyes.

" I think Gentlemen that we will head to Ilinalta's Deep and retrieve Azura's Star, come back here and pick up the supplies we ordered and take the carriage to Winterhold, so that the horses can have a break, plus we can't just leave them outside Aftland for an undetermined time."

Both men agreed that that sounded like a good plan and we headed out within the hour, Tex was waiting at the gate when we left the city. The ride to Ilinalta's Deep was relatively quiet. The only hitch was a Thalmor Patrol taking a prisoner somewhere.

I was going to mind my own business, really I was, but then I had the picture in my mind when the prisoner looked at me and I kept going on his shoulders slumping, hope lost. Nethlas who was bringing up the rear at that time had made it past them when I turned my horse around and looked at the man.

I conjured up a Flame and an Ice Atronach and then readied a firebolt which I then aimed straight at the Thalmor wizard. It was a short fight, the men never even managed to get off of their horses. I gave the prisoner some gold coins and weapons from the Thalmor patrol, telling him that he should probably lay low for a while.  He ran off saying that his family would hide him on the farm and thank you!

I got back on Roddgeir and glared at the men, daring them to say anything. Nelthas just shrugged, and Signar nodded at me. We got to the half-sunken Fort before noon.  Necromancers... ick, They all put up a fight, but were no match for the four of us.

I had expected a hard fight from the man that had taken the Star, but he was dead already, nothing but a skeleton. Tex had ripped the throat out of the Adept Necromancer that had seemed to be in charge, but really even he had fallen easier than we had thought.

It was evening when we exited the Fort and I heard the roar of a dragon in the near distance. We found the horses and then looked for a defensible place on the shoreline. I found an overhang that would protect the horses and would also make a decent camp, as long as the dragon didn't decide to land right on it and die.

We went off a little way and sure enough, the dragon flew into sight, he was apparently hungry for steamed mud crab because he was flaming something on the shore edge. The three of us stood there, spread far enough apart that we would not run into each other. Tex was down among the rocks, not hiding, but not wanting to have his fur singed off either.

When the dragon finally spotted us he started throwing insults at us, I responded in kind and he paused for a second, called me Dovahkiin, and then attacked with much more vigor. The insults were much more personal after that, only they were also kind of funny. I mean really it might be really insulting to call one a "ground-bound, wingless worm" if one was really a Dragon, not just a Dragonborn. Being called "toothless" might have bothered me if I hadn't just tripped on a rock and bit my tongue.

I cast a couple of Ice Atronach spells and threw Ice spikes at him, hitting him with Unrelenting force when I had the chance. Both men were shooting arrows and Tex was still crouched in the rocks. This dragon didn't want to land and it wasn't until I felt his life force ebbing that he crash-landed on the shoreline.  A huge spray of water and we were all soaking wet, except Tex who jumped out of his hiding spot and latched onto the Dragons snout.

It shook its head and grumbled, I cast more Ice Spikes into it and finally, it died. I absorbed its soul and took a moment to gather myself up. We went and got the horses and then headed to a spot further up the lake, where a hunter had made a camp.

She met us with a huge grin and said she had never seen anything like that and we were more than welcome to sleep in her camp, though we might have to pitch our own tents, as hers was only large enough for one person. The men set about pitching our tents and I helped to prepare a dinner large enough for all of us.

We were up and headed to Whiterun before the sun was even up, and got to the stables just as they were finishing the morning chores. Nelthas again went and talked to the carriage driver, while Signar talked to the Stableman and I went in to get our supplies, Tex went with me.

The trip to Winterhold was probably the quietest in a long while... The walk to speak to Azura's Priestess was a matter of hitting the local wildlife with a clam spell and when that didn't work, brute force did. I felt sad at the waste of meat and hide, but knew the meat really wouldn't go to waste,  the scavengers would eat well. Fresh meat would have been nice, but wolf is not really one of my favorite meats.

Talking to the Priestess, on the other hand, ended with me going into the Star to kill the Necromancer who had stolen it, as he had placed his own soul into the Star. Nelthas would be happy with the three Dremora hearts that I brought out.

Nelthas had been speaking to her and it seemed that Azura would no longer be giving her the visions that she had before, so the woman was at a loss as to what to do. Nelthas stared at me with a look on his face until I suggested that she come with us, but before she did, I explained what that would mean.

"Aranea, this means first a trip down to Blackreach, a place no one has been to in centuries. After that, I need to head to Skyhaven Temple and speak to two of the Blades members about recruiting people to help kill some of the more troublesome dragons. For whatever reason, the Thalmor have stuck their nose into it and they are now after me as well as the Blades at the Temple. Then I have to go back to High Hrothgar and speak to the Greybeards and their leader. It's not a safe path, but if you want to follow, I will be more than happy to have you. Nelthas says I can trust you not to betray me, not to the Thalmor and not otherwise. I am going to take him at his word, it's your choice to come with us or find another purpose."

She stood there for a moment, gazing into nothingness and I could see that she was thinking hard about what to do. Finally, she did answer.

"Muthsera, Dragonborn, I will travel the path with you. I will face the unknown dangers ahead and I will face the known dangers of treachery, I will not betray you, as you have the Lady's favor and that would be like betraying Her."

So I had another follower and Tex was again nowhere to be seen. I laughed and we set up at the foot of Lady Azura's statue for the night, on the morrow, we would be leaving for Aftland and the deep dark unknown.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

From Riften to Winterhold PG 25

Akemmi part 25 - From Riften to Winterhold

A pounding on the door the next morning woke me up. Signar got up and wrapped the blanket around his waist, leaving me with just the linen sheet. He went to see who was at our door, turns out it was Shadr, the stable assistant. I got up and walked along the wall, but stood behind the door.

" Hofgrir told me to come and warn you that there are Thalmor soldiers waiting up the road for you, you won't make it past the last watchtower and only that far because they aren't really welcome here and you are. Your horses are at the farm on the other side of town, saddled and ready to go. If there are Thalmor there I did not see them."

I grabbed some gold from my pack and handed it to Signar, who thanked Shadr and asked him to wake Nelthas and let him know. I hurried into my armor while Signar got into his, being done first I helped him into his plate and had our packs ready to go. Nelthas tapped on the door and said that he was going to scout ahead of us and take out any spies. When we walked out the door Tex was nowhere to be found either.

As we walked down the stairs, Signar put his hand on my arm and stopped me, "My Lady, can you get to the farm without being seen?". I  nodded

"But not without you, Love." He leaned over and kissed me.

"Do it, they are probably looking for three of us and at the very  least, you." I gave him a quick kiss and said alright. I got to the bottom of the steps and looked around, but no one was there, I cast the spell for invisibility, then waited for Signar to open the door, slipping out around him. Once I was out and in the deeper shadows I cast two other spells, one to mask my life force the other would allow me to be one with the shadows, while in them.

I slipped down to the lower level, keeping pace with Signar as I went. I caught movement on the roof of the building across the canal and above. I enhanced my vision with a spell and watched for a minute. He stepped into a shadow but pulled down his mask and I saw Nelthas's face, then he disappeared into the shadows. I chuckled to myself... So Signar had two watchers, perhaps three if Tex hadn't gone straight to the farm.

Before I started up the stairs I cast a small spell that was useless in crypts but allowed for the detection of the heat from a live body. I had found over the years that it was harder to master, but much more reliable than detect life, which with the right masking spell, could be thwarted. The muffle spell I used would keep anyone from hearing me.

I went quickly up the stairs and looked around, only the regular guards, so I hurried to the gate, staying to one side and when Signar went through, passed right behind him. Once outside the gate, I kept close to the lake, figuring Nelthas would have the mountainside. I cast my detect heat spell again and saw three men hiding in bushes, as that wasn't something the guards would do, I looked around to make sure no one else was near and then got closer to them. I drew my bow and pulled out the small vial of paralytic poison that Nelthas had given me.

When they started making the tiny movements of men that were getting ready to attack but wanted to stay hidden a bit longer, I put a few drops of the poison on two arrows. As one of the men started to draw his bow, I drew mine and shot him then targeted one of the others. Seeing a tiny blur, I hesitated and moved on to the next man. As I let loose that second arrow, Nelthas became visible as he slit the second man's throat, then disappeared again.

Signar had never slowed down in his walk and was almost to the farm. I circled above him and cast my spells again. This time I saw no one, Signar was getting on his horse and leading the other two away from the farm. I finally saw Tex who was laying next to the road, slightly above the farm. I snaked through the woods as quietly as I could, getting ahead of Signar and the horses.

It wasn't till I got to the split in the trail for the mill, that I stopped casting and looking for Thalmor, if they were around, we would run into them on the road now. I waited for Signar to catch up, when he got to me, Nelthas was already on his horse and Tex was out to the side.

" Did you run into anyone else, Nelthas?"

"No, Muthsera, I did not, you?" I just shook my head and got on my horse. "The spells you used, you can teach them to me?"

"You can do Illusion spells?" at his nod I continued, " 'One with the Shadows", it's a master-level spell, but using an object will not break your cover and it is only cover, in the shadows. The other is a plain invisibility spell so that when I wasn't in shadows I wouldn't be seen anyway, but that one broke as soon as I dug into my pouch."

On the way to Winterhold, I taught him the spells I knew for invisibility, some would need more power than others. For an Assassin, Chameleon would come in handy, an apprentice spell, that probably hadn't been taught in a few hundred years. An assassin in the Imperial city had taught me the spells, in return for a couple favors.

It took us the better part of two weeks to get to Winterhold. The stop at the Shrine of Azura didn't take long and the Priestess asked for a small favor in return for the help Nelthas was asking of her. We got stopped at the gates to the College by an over-eager member, who would not let us pass without proving that I had an aptitude for magic. I was sorely tempted to cast a levitation spell on her, but I didn't think the reception to that would go over well. So I just asked if a Dragonborn would be allowed entrance to speak to the Librarian?

Not it seemed without demonstrating my Thu'um, which would probably bring the wrath of the guards down on us or not since it came from the direction of the College. She welcomed me as an Apprentice and said to speak to the Headmistress about a bed and classes. Both men gwaufed and Tex snorted, I just shook my head and kept walking.

In the courtyard, we passed a woman that I took to be the Headmistress who was talking to a Thalmor, who seemed to have issues with the way no one was answering his, probably, intrusive questions. The woman was dressing him down about it, telling him he was only here at the goodwill of the Arch-mage and he needed to tone down his questioning.

We walked past the two and headed inside and then up to the library, where to my surprise there was an Orc behind the library desk. He had information that I needed and gave me a couple pieces of advice, about how to find his old friend, who was an expert on Elder Scrolls.

From the Library, we went up to the roof of the college and I scanned the area for the highest peaks that would give me a clear view of the ice flows and the islands. I pointed out to the men the barrow and that is where we would be going, I needed a high spot. We bought as many supplies as the general goods store had, including firewood as there probably would not be any in the Barrow and we would not be going in unless we had to.... then again old tables and dressers would burn as well as chopped wood, so if needs be we would.

We rode out to the barrow and set up camp, after clearing it of the inhabitants. I warned both men that after casting the two spells I needed to look, I would end up flat on my back, I was not yet powerful enough to cast two master-level spells back to back. So after waiting till nightfall, when most animals would be off the ice flows,  I drank a potion to regenerate health and another to regenerate magic and caste both spells.

I staggered as the cost of the spells hit me, but stayed standing, the master-level Clairvoyance spell lit up the best path to take, the Spirit Walker spell allowed me to follow it. I flew behind the spell and found the cave entrance and turned to look for two landmarks that I could triangulate from. Having them in hand, I rushed back to my body, watching as the landmarks changed.

We spent the next day right there, as I was weak enough not to want to chance a fight on the ice flows. When I was ready to go, Nelthas stayed at the barrow with the horses, and Signar, Tex, and I went to see the Librarian's old friend Signus.

He had more good news for me, it seemed we would need to go through a Dwemer city to one of their deepest places a place called Blackreach.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Forelhost, a determination made... pg 24

The next morning found us climbing our way up the next peak, to the barrow at the top of it. As we cleared some huge boulders and decorative stonework that had fallen, we saw not only the Word Wall but a camp. Signar took the lead here as the man at the camp was wearing an Imperial Officers uniform. I thought it odd that an Altmer would be an Imperial Officer, but had seen odder things, so didn't really think twice.

I listened to the story of a powerful weapon, a mask that had belonged to a Dragon Priest. How the Dragon cultists had been defeated by Skorm Snow-Strider and that his journal might be in the barrow and if so it would prove very useful. That I had no doubt of. I followed Signar through the door into the Barrow, it stank, as did all barrows....but there was something.. I felt ice drip down my spine.

"So Muthsera,  Did you help this Skorn Snow-Strider beat back the Dragon Cultists?" Nelthas's voice was serious, but Signar chuckled, I sighed.

"No, I do believe one of my cousins was here though. During the 1st Era, I was in Cyrodiil, there were other masters that needed to be overthrown." My voice was dry and both men looked at me with a dumbstruck look. "What, I told you... I don't live in any one time for too long, but I have lived a long time."

When the first ghost appeared, I tried a dispel an un-dead spell, but it had no effect. They were strong in the here and now, which meant they felt they had something left to do, protect this place from all comers most likely. Angry spirits, with a focus... a lot of focus to have kept themselves on this world plane for so long.

We all got a workout, I found that my magic worked quite well, but I kept my ax close to my other hand. Tex seemed to be having loads of fun, he would dart ahead and jump right through half of the ghosts until they fought back,  then they became solid. When we started running into Draugr I actually felt better, the Goddess knows why.

It didn't take long for me to see some oddities, many of the skeletons had bottles of poisons beside them.  Why... did these people take poisons? So not only did I fight the draugr with the men and Tex, I started looking around picking up any parchment that had survived, reading the contents.

Then I found it, Skorn's journal, then I understood, the ghosts were men and women that had taken their own lives after the main refractory doors had collapsed. Huh, the area they couldn't get to was the area we needed to get to.

So, we needed to keep going on, we needed the key to the well, Nelthas looked at the lock and said that to fail to pick it, would be to make it impossible to open if there was a key we would be better off looking for it. Which is what we did.

Fighting our way through, we found the refectory, it was here I found the answer to a question that had been nagging at me...what had looked different about some of the linen wraps. Children... they had killed their own children. I held the two notes in my hand, one protesting, the other saying that the person protesting would at least make sure the children didn't suffer.

I stood there with the notes in my hands, shaking. Rage...anger, these were the emotions I felt, but I stood there until I could control my thoughts... till I could direct those emotions, til they were only fractions of what they had been.

In those moments it became clear to me, Alduin would die... in this time. There was no way I could allow dragons to rule again. If Paarthurnax would aid me in my effort, if the Greybeards in their pacifistic way could help.. the Blades would help towards that goal also. Skyhaven Temple was a Blades safe haven, it would be my safe haven. It was Keyed to my blood, Delphine could help or leave. Esbern would be easier, as a historical archivist he would be more interested in information than in anything else. Telling him he didn't necessarily have to help me but to teach new Blades the history of the Blades, that...that would suit him. I could get my help elsewhere if I needed to.

So I explained to Signar and Nelthas what I wanted to do. What I thought needed to be done and I asked their opinion of it.

"Muthsera, you will need someone at Skyhaven Temple, someone that you can trust to not turn their back on you and your goals. Delphine will try to turn anyone against you, I think. I could be reading her wrong, but I don't think so. I have an idea, we will go see the Priestess of Azura on our way to Winterhold. "

"My Lady, I know the perfect person for a "Blades Recruit", Ludwig, our house guard. Even though he was stationed in Roristead, he looks at himself as more your housecarl than as a guard. He is more loyal to you than you would think." Signar nodded and I understood what he was saying.

So we had a plan, we just needed to get all the way through Forelhost and see it through. That was easier said than done. We had yet to meet the strongest of the Dragon Cult's members or the leader of this sect. We fought our way through... disarming the worst traps.

I grabbed a glass Dragon Claw that I found on a pedestal and soon we ran into the door it was the key to. Opening the door was not a problem, for some reason, they put the key on the key. That is where simplicity ended.

Draugr emerged from their crypts, heading towards us. Then the central crypt opened up and Raghot surged out. Tex ran at the furthest Draugr, who was shooting at us with a bow. Signar pulled his sword and shield and started circling one of the others. Nelthas pulled up his hood and face mask and completely disappeared.

I pulled my Staff and summoned ... getting a Golden Saint, she pulled her bow and started shooting. I then cast an Ice Atronach spell and then turned to face Raghot squarely. I dodged around pillars and caste ward spells and Stendar's Aura, to keep from being hit by his Fire spells and keep them all at a distance..

Then I saw Nelthas's daggers go through the back of Raghot and his corpse turned to ash. I walked over and picked up his mask and staff.  I looked at Nelthas and then laid my hand on his cheek, casting a healing spell. Something had ripped open his scars, my spell healed that but could not touch the scars.

When Signar wandered over, I asked him if he had been wounded, but he had not. Tex came trotting up with a leg bone in his mouth.

"Tex, that is just plain nasty, I'll find you a nice deer leg to chew on, drop it." He did but gave me a hard stare for a minute. I shook my head and cast a light spell and we looted the chest in that room. Usually, I don't loot the dead usually, but, I had no ethical problem looting them. When we had our packs as full as we wanted them, we walked out the door.

I felt the Word Wall and walked towards it, this time stopping before, the letters started glowing. I reached into myself and found one of the dragon's souls, held it, and then continued to walk forward. I absorbed the word and the meaning together and other than the blinding light nothing was different than before. Storm Call, I looked over at Signar in his Plate steel and laughed, that wasn't a Thu'um I would be using anytime soon.

I hear voices and looked to the camp of the Imperial Officer... only he was now wearing a Stormcloak Officer's uniform. I laughed, an Altmer, huh, wonder if the soldier he was talking to believed that. I pointed it out to the others and Nelthas, thinned his lips and pulled up his hood and mask, then asked us to stay where we were.

I watched his footprints in the snow walking towards a place where the walls had broken down. A few minutes later I saw him in the shadows of the Barrow and he was motioning us forward. When we got to the "Stormcloak" officer he started stuttering about our misunderstanding and then he just drew his sword and attacked. Unfortunately for the real soldier, he decided to side with the impersonator, Signar, Nelthas, and Tex made short work of the two of them.

I searched through his packs and pockets and found a note saying that he was to bring the mask to Labyrinthian. Well, that was something that we might check out later. As it was late, the guys took the dead and placed them inside the Barrow, while I cleaned up the camp. Tex even did his part by throwing snow over the blood on the ground.

We looked at the large two-person tent and decided it really was large enough for the four of us as long as we didn't mind bumping elbows and as cold as it was, none of us minded that. Nelthas and Tex went down to check on the horses, which gave Signar and I a little bit of alone time.

The next morning it was a short ride to Riften. Nelthas made arrangements for the horses and our ride to Winterhold. Signar and I went and sold all our loot. I made some purchases of items that we needed and bought backpacks for Signar and Nelthas,

Nelthas came and let us know that the carriage driver didn't want to leave until morning, as it was a long trip. We went to the Bee & Barb and rented a couple of rooms for the night. From Signar's crooked grin, I thought he might have some plans of his own.

Monday, February 22, 2016

There are Dragons and..... Dragons pg 23


I had stood there watching the ancient white dragon land in front of us, I could feel the splitting headache that would arise when Delphine found out. So Paarthurnax was a dragon, it made sense.

Both men had drawn their bows, but I waved them down. I had already ticked Master Arngeir off once, I didn't really need to do it again by fighting with the head of their order. I closed my eye's against the windblown ice as he landed, opening my eyes to see him extend his head in my direction. Signar and Nelthas backed off and found a place to sit, Tex stayed at my feet looking up at the Dragon.

"Drem Yol Lok Dovahkiin, greetings Dragonborn" His voice was gravely, but easily understood and I had always been good at learning languages, I had to be.

"Drem Yol Lok Paarthurnax, greetings Dovah". I only hoped that would be proper, but I bowed as I said it.

I replayed some of the conversations in my head as we headed down the mountain. Another trip through time, this one backward, usually it was forward, but it would be interesting if nothing else. Kelle, an Elder Scroll, if I remembered some of the things that I read over the years, I might actually be able to see some of my past, present, and the most important part for me, the future.

I thought hard, no one would just have an Elder Scroll laying around, but it seemed to me the best place to look would be the College in Winterhold. Paarthurnax... Paarthurnax.... Paar Thur Nax, wind of kynareth,  Ambition Overlord Cruelty, Delphine is going to go crazy.

He had been waiting for thousands of years for Alduin to return and not once in any history I could recall, was his name brought up. The Blades, they would have information if anyone did, but I really could not ask Esbern. Yeah, the College was the place to go, I needed information.

I would see his friends, the first Nords to learn the Thu'um, he taught them, so he betrayed his own kind. He betrayed Alduin, who was cruel even to his own kind. Time... I needed time... time, something that seemed to be running out.

"STOP IT".. I yelled at the top of my lungs. This kind of thinking would get me nowhere.

"My Lady?" Signar sounded concerned and he had every right to. I turned and looked at him, Nelthas right by his side, both men looked worried. I closed my eyes and took a huge breath in, then let it out slowly, opening my eyes and looking at the two of them. Tex was sitting on his haunches, looking at me with that silly doggy grin, I smiled weakly back at him.

" I will catch both of you up to what is happening when we get back down to Iverstead, my thoughts are going in a thousand directions at once. Plus I need to speak with Arngeir, I need some answers from him."

"Why the head of his order is a dragon? That would be one wouldn't it." Nelthas said.

"No, that in all actuality makes some sense, there are other things that I need to know. Just know this, we are on a long journey. It's turning dark and dangerous, I know I will be walking a fine line." I turned and started back for High Hrothgar. " Arngeir said that the Thu'um that I need was created in a dark, cruel time, by people that were desperate to depose their Dragon overlords, Alduin being the highest. I need to sort some of this out in my head. Just...please give me some time."

"My Lady, take all the time you need. I would follow you through the Plain's of Oblivion." His voice was quiet and firm.

"I too Muthsera, The Lady Azura pretty much told me to follow you to the end and I will." He said that in a tone, that said, he wondered at his own conviction, but he would do as he said.

I talked to Arngeir when we got to High Hrothgar, I even asked him about the Elder scroll. He was not happy that I would be messing with it and that, as I had figured my best bet would be the College. I did ask him about more Words, the ones I knew were very useful but I wanted more, not simply for the power, but because one never knows when something that you don't have will come in very handy.

It was late into the night when we made it to Iverstead and both men said they would rather talk over breakfast, as they were tired. I think they just said that because they knew I was mentally exhausted. We got the same room as the last time, meaning there wasn't a lick of privacy, but that was alright.

In the morning I told Signar and Nelthas what Paarthurnax had told me, I also told them what his name meant and who I thought he was. Tex whined when I said that I thought he had been Alduin's second in command, but that he changed sides and helped us, humans, in the end.

"Delphine and Esbern aren't going to care that he helped people, that he has been waiting all these years to again help humans and see Alduin defeated, all they will care about is that he is a dragon and hurt people thousands of years ago." I rubbed my forehead, I really could not be getting a headache from a conversation that might be weeks in coming.

"We will be heading to a peak on the other side of Riften, according to Arngeir there is a word wall over there and I want to see it, to learn the word, while my mind is clear. Then we'll take the carriage to Winterhold, leaving the horses with Hofgrir. They need rest and while I hate the idea of walking all over Skyrim, I would prefer healthy horses when we need them."

We made it to the peak that held the Word Wall, three days later. I wasn't really surprised at the dragon sitting on top of it, he would not speak to me and I felt a slight sadness at that. The second dragon was a complete surprise, he was older and stronger and while he still would not speak to me, he did hurl insults at us. After I absorbed both dragon souls, I walked towards the Word Wall, it started its humming, and writing appeared on it in glowing letters.

At first, I did not understand what the word meant, but when I dug deep and found one of the dragon's souls and laid it open, I understood completely. Before I had really explored all the meanings of that word, I felt another and turned to look. There, across the valley was another Word Wall, overlooking a barrow.

That must be where the other dragon had come from. I noticed smoke and narrowed my eyes, yes it looked like a camp. I pointed across to the Barrow and told the men that we would be going there next, but we could set up camp closer to the valley floor.

After the camp was set up and I told Signar that I wanted a bath and that even if that pond on the other side of the trees wasn't deep enough to swim, the water had looked clear and I wanted to be clean. He had already taken off his Plate and was in just the Gambeson, but he followed me to the pond.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Off to Karthspire We Go pg 22

I opened my eyes to the sound of rain on the roof and thought great...just great. I must have made some kind of movement cause Sigar laughed and asked if I was afraid to get wet. I rolled over, gave him a kiss and said good morning,  then hopped out of bed. I knew if I stayed I wouldn't want to get up.

I washed my face and got dressed then helped Signar into his armor.   I went down the steps and said it was time to wake up.  Tex was already darting past me, so he had just been politely waiting. Nelthas came up the steps next and gave me a dirty look. I followed him out to the table Signar was already sitting at, with a patter of foods for breakfast.

"What in Oblivion did I do to deserve that look?"

"You left me with that conspiracy theory nut, in a locked room." He truly sounded aggravated, Signar was chuckling under his breath. Nelthas downed half his mug of mead and then sized up Signar. "Alright so next time, you can sleep in the cellar with Delphine and Esbern and I'll sleep upstairs with the Lady, I'll even allow Tex to sleep between us, cause I think he suffered just as much as I did.

Signar never stopped chewing his food, just looked at the Dunmer, then grabbed his mead, taking a drink. "Mmfffp, What, you don't have some fancy paralytic that you can shut her up with? Of course, you could always just stuff a gag in her mouth and tie her up".

"Shush you two, you'd probably be just as paranoid if the Thalmor had been chasing you for more than half your life. Tell you what, next time  you boys can share the bed upstairs and I'll sleep in the cellar with her." I was only half-serious, I know what it feels like to be hunted for an extended time. Nelthas steepled his fingers in front of his mouth tipped his head slightly, then batted his eyelashes at Signar.

"He's not my type, I like my men a little prettier". His face looked serious, but his red eye's danced with mirth. Signar looked at him, then narrowed his eyes.

"You would," his tone was dry. " I like my Shield Brother to have a bit more meat on his bones." He was actually harder to read than Nelthas,  only the small lines beside his eyes and mouth said he was trying not to laugh.  I laughed and shook my head.

"So what do you two think is the best way to get to Karthspire?" I asked.  Delphine and Esbern must have been up pretty late into the night, the sun had been up for an hour or so when they finally dragged themselves up the stairs. It was a very auspicious start to a journey that dragged on forever, due to the surely nature of one of our companions.

As we stood looking into the pocket valley, I thought it would figure. Wasn't fighting dragons and bandit's enough for any one trip, did it really have to end with trying to get through a whole Forsworn Tribe? It was a distasteful thing, but I knew that politely asking them to let us pass wasn't going to work. I sighed heavily and Signar squeezed my shoulder.

"Alright, let's get this over with. I hate to say it, but don't leave anyone standing. I haven't seen any children in this camp, have any of you?" I looked around and everyone shook their heads, including Tex. " Ok so, it isn't a typical village. Anyone that lift's a sword or uses magic, dies. Do not kill any children or pregnant women, knock them out if you have to." That started the slaughter, which is what it was.

Nelthas had lifted his cowl and facemask and completely disappeared, enchanted....figures. I summoned a Deadroth and a Winged-Twilight and then started  shooting the Forsworn that came at us. Signar stayed close to me and watched my back. Tex was following Nelthas around, though how he knew exactly where the Dunmer was, was a mystery. Delphine watched Esberns back as he summoned an Ice Atronach and threw Ice shards at them.

In the end, their was no one left, including the Hargraven who had been in the middle of creating a Briar-heart. I always found that type of magic distasteful, that and allowing oneself to be turned into a Hargraven, those were thing's that put a halt to my admiration of a people that were only trying to keep their homes.

We made our way into a cave system and to the part that was obviously built by a people long ago. Esbern said the Akaviri themselves, it certainly looked like their work, not that I had first-hand experience or anything. I got us past a couple of puzzle traps. At last, we stood in front of another door puzzle, Esbern said this one required blood, my blood, that of a Dragonborn.

So I knelt by the well in the center and cut my hand, letting drops of blood hit the well. After a few seconds, a white light came up out of the well and followed the path around the symbols I was standing on. I felt a tingling all through my body, as something, some odd kind of spell, delved into me, recognized me. Then, I heard a grating of stone on stone, the stone face that actually was a door, started to move.

Some half an hour later we stood in front of Alduin's wall as Esbern Translated it. Nelthas and Tex were both sitting on the table that ran half the length of the room. Signar stood behind me, with one arm wrapped around my waist and the other around my shoulders. I was leaning against him, with my chin on his forearm. It wasn't terribly comfortable, but it was comforting, to have him hold me.

"Have you ever heard of such a thing? Do you know of a shout that will defeat a dragon?" The look on her face was hopeful but fell as I shook my head no. "No help for it then, you'll have to go ask the Greybeards, it's a good thing they let you in their little cult. I'm sure if Esbern or I went and asked they wouldn't even talk to us."

I kept my thoughts on that account to myself, but even if they would talk to her or Esbern it would do them little good. Neither would understand and couldn't teach it to someone else.

"So I guess your off to High Hrothgar?" Esbern asked. He had turned from the wall and his explanation of it.

" In the morning Esbern, it's been a hectic few week's and because neither of you has horses, we walked here and now have to get all the way back to Riverwood to pick ours up. So you'll excuse me if I want a hot meal and a warm bed before I start on the long journey back to High Hrothgar." I turned and walked into the dark area of the Temple, casting a light spell.

I found what would be a bunk room and lit the charcoal that was left in the brazier. That was a thoughtful thing, as wood would have been half-rotted away by now. I got into my pack and changed into a cloth outfit, looked to Signar standing against the door frame, and told him to make himself useful, by going to get some wood and water, Nelthas could help him, then some furs and straw to make the beds softer.

I looked around and didn't see a broom or any other cleaning tool, but did see a vent hole where smoke could raise out of the room. I looked around and didn't see anything really  I put a cloth over my mouth and I cast a spell that moved the air around like miniature whirlwinds, as the whirlwind's picked up dust, I poured more power in them and raised the dust funnels towards the vent in the ceiling. When the last one was through the vent, I pictured it moving away from the hole, then cut the magic from it, a little of the dust came back down the hole, but for the most part the room was dust, cobweb, and dirt free.

Signar came back in with two buckets of water and blinked when he looked around the room. I grabbed one of the buckets and poured a little bit into a pan and washed my face and arms, which were coated. Then I heated a pot of water and washed pots, pans, and dishes so that I could make a stew for dinner.

With the stew in the pot cooking, I told Signar I wanted to go out and have a swim in the water by the village, I was dirty and wanted a bath. So the four of us left the Temple and went down and had a good swim. We looted any foodstuff that was still good and put it in the cave, Delphine and Esbern could go in there with no problem.

As we came back up to the door with the Blood Seal, I had an idea and told the others to wait a moment. I re-cut my hand and let a few drops drip into the well, the door started to close and I waited till it was, then allowed a few more drops to hit the well, the door opened back up... that was a good thing to know.

Each of us carried a heavy pack of food all the way back into the temple, even Tex had two bags tied together draped over his back. As we passed the plate puzzle, I pulled the chain and it reset, we would not be surprised in the night.

We left before full light the next morning, Delphine followed us to the plate Puzzle and reset it after we passed over. Looking at our location on a map, I had decided that our best bet was to go to Markarth and take the carriage to Whiterun and walk to Riverwood from there. We did not even go into the city, just hopped on the carriage.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

From the Ratway to Riverwood pg 21

Nelthas met us onshore and cautioned for us to be quiet. In this, I took the lead and I headed us away from Riften, Tex would patrol the lakeshore for our sent and lead Signar to us. I knew where a small camp was and hunters generally were willing to trade items.

We were not far from the camp when I heard a large animal coming through the brush. I readied a calm spell as most animals make much less noise. When the deer came up and over the bushes and almost ran me over, I knew something was chasing it. I kept the calm spell in one hand but readied a shock spell in the other.

I was taken by surprise as the huge black blur knocked me down, he hadn't made a noise coming through the bushes. I tried putting up my arms to keep from being drooled all over, but Tex was rather persistent, and my face was a slimy mess in no time.

"So, I take it the dog belongs to her?" I heard Esbern ask.

"No, I pretty much think she belongs to the dog." Nelthas was laughing. Before I could get any leverage to get Tex off of me, he plopped down on my stomach and looked down that long hound nose at me. he Whined and laid his head on my chest, his nose touching my chin. I patted his head and told him I really would like to get up, he wasn't a feather.

I heard hoofs striking the cobblestone road not far away. I started pushing Tex in earnest when Nelthas grabbed Esbern and pulled him into a crouch. The sound of metal striking cobblestones got closer and when the 1st horse was almost past'

"Citizen, could we have a word with you?" The Accent was male Altmer, more than likely a Justiciar.

"And what can I do for the Aldemeri Dominion today Justiciar Gissur?" His gravelly voice was beautiful in my ears, his tone at ease.

"Who are you, to know a Justiciar by sight?" His tone was suspicious.

" I am Signar sworn Housecarl to the Jarl of Whiterun, bonded to a Thane of that City."

"And what brought you to Riften?" His tone said he wasn't convinced and I couldn't shove Tex off my chest.

"Riften? Well, I stayed the night at the Bee & Barb, but I went into Rifen to get some Blackbriar Mead, Maven wished to gift some to the Jarl and his Thanes in the hope that he would like it enough to order more." His voice had gruff patience that said he was very used to dealing with fools. " You've never seen one of Hofrir's horses? They are suitable in temperament and training for hunting." He kept his explanations short, which was good.

"Alright move along Housecarl, but we will be keeping an eye on you".  The Mer's tone was condescending.

"Well Lord Justiciar, I'll be in Iverstead tonight if you would like to tuck me in?"  His tone was bland and even.

"Move along citizen before I have you arrested for insubordination." His tone was threatening and I hoped Signar would just move on. I heard Signar gwaf, but the horses started moving.

We stayed exactly was we were, except Tex finally decided to get off of me. I thought quickly, I knew Signar would not be in Iverstead, but head in the other direction, the road towards Helgen seemed most likely.

"Esbern, do you have paper and ink or a charcoal stick?" He didn't answer but brought out a charcoal stick and a small roll of paper then handed it to me. I didn't put any words down but drew a Butterfly. Tex looked at my drawing and snorted.

"Well if you think you can draw better?" he whined and shook, "We spent the night at that shack on the way to Iverstead, remember, it had that Butterfly in the Jar. If Signar doesn't get it, make sure that's where he goes." I rolled up the paper tight and tied it with a red ribbon, then used a leather cord to tie it around Tex's neck. I ruffled his ear's and he took off silently through the trees and bushes.

We waited a bit more than wound our way through the woods, staying off the road unless we needed to cross it. Esbern and I used calming spells on all the aggressive animals that we ran into. We had to stop often to hide in thicker brush when a patrol of Thalmor came riding by. When it started getting towards night, I looked for a cave or a really thick patch of brush that we could hide in.

What I found was a small cave with a trickle of water out front. The brush was thick enough that after I went to a  pool and caught a large fish, by laying down near an overhang and slowly running my hands up the belly of the fish I found there till I could slip my fingers in its gills. I pulled it out, killed it, and gutted it. I went and found another overhang and did the same thing.

Nelthas had a small fire going when I got back, so I took the fish I had skewed on sticks and placed over the fire. Along with some of the berries and wild onions and carrots we had found, it made a decent meal. I put out the fire as soon as we were done eating and we all decided to take turns at the cave entrance watching. It wasn't a comfortable night, but we were all got some sleep.

We were up and moving as soon as it was light enough not to stumble around running into things. It was a very tense morning, as the valley narrowed and the Thalmor patrols were in full swing looking for us. At one point I used a frenzy spell on a bear that I had just used a calm spell on when a patrol decided to go off the road and came towards us.

Even though they had made swift work of the bear, which I felt bad about, they decided to get back on the road. We moved on and at mid-day, I could see the pass that we would be going through, the Shack was only a little way away from the mouth. We came in from the backside and Nelthas insisted on being the one to check and see if Signar was there and if everything looked alright. As he said, their was only one of us who was Dragonborn and one expert on dragons.

A few minutes later he gave the all-clear and Esbern and I walked in. Signar was at the door waiting on me and pulled me into his arms. We stood there for a moment, his cheek resting on top of my head, until my stomach made a gurgling sound, because it registered the smell of stew cooking, even if my heart wanted to stay where I was.

Signar laughed and said he had a stew waiting on us if we wanted to eat before we took off. Nelthas sat on a desktop, while Esbern and I sat on the bed and ate, Signar stood in the doorway listening to our choppy account of our escape from the Ratway.

When we were finished we cleaned out all traces of us being there and Esbern got up behind me and we rode hard to get over the pass before nightfall. We spent the night in a Stormcloak camp on the other side, I had explained that the Thalmor were searching for someone and we really didn't want to be bothered. The commander of the camp just smiled and said anyone the Thalmor were after was more than welcome in his camp. So we at least had a good night's sleep. I had a very warm one, with Signar cradling me in his arms from behind and Tex stretched out in front of me.

We made it to Riverwood late the next evening. I sent Esbern into the Inn, Nelthas went with him and Signar and I cared for the horses. Signar checked over the tack and armor, while I gave the horses a second going over. I sighed and told Signar that they needed a rest, we had been riding them hard as of late. He said that was true, but no harder than we had been pushing ourselves. He came over and wrapped his arms around me and I laughed and said,.... let's get inside and get you out of that hard plate... I would rather wrap my arm's around warm flesh than cold steel.

Fate it seemed wasn't going to cooperate exactly, he did get out of the armor, but Delphine pulled us all down to her secrete room, for a chat. I grabbed a stool before we went down, knowing there weren't enough places to sit. Almost everyone was sitting down when we got down there, I put the stool so that I could lean back against the wall, but Signar moved it out slightly so that I was actually leaning against his chest, his arms wrapped around me. Tex took up all the space under the table, flat out like a rug, Nelthas was sitting on a chest, Esbern in the only chair, and Delphine paced.

I was tired and only half paying attention, but in the end, I had the gist of it... Tomorrow we would be heading into The Reach, near Karthwasten to a place called Skyhaven Temple, to look at something called Alduins Wall. Signar scooped me up and said he was taking an empty room for us, I had one arm wrapped around his neck and just smiled at them. Delphine it seemed wanted us all to sleep in the lower room. Signar turned and said that she could sleep down here and we would use her bed then. The look on her face was priceless, but she did have a bar on her door, so it made more sense than a smaller room. We did get to sleep, eventually.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Like a Drowned Rat pg 20


It had been early when Nelthas had knocked on the door to wake us up. We dressed quietly so as not to wake up any of the other patrons that might still be sleeping. My armor being so much simpler than Signar's, I was dressed and armed, before he even got into his under-armor, his gambeson more complicated than all of my armor put together.  I laced up the sides of the pants as he laced the chest piece. Then handed him each armor piece in the order that he liked to put them on.

"Now I understand why you have two set's of under-armor and sleep in one set, good grief, it would take you forever to get dressed if we were attacked," I said as I handed him the last piece of plate steel.

"Huh, I can fight in my gambeson as well as the plate, it just isn't as protective. My trainer made us sleep in full armor, to get used to it, said in war unless you have your own squire it's never taken off." I shook my head, but I knew for the average soldier that was true. I had been around enough men in heavy armor to know, how a smart warrior behaves.

"But yes My Lady, I prefer sleeping in my under-armor, so that I might quickly put on what I need, in case of attack. If you need more protection than what that chain-mail and leather will provide, you simply cast a mage armor spell. What I have is all I have, it works for me."  I put my hand on his cheek and rubbed my thumb over his lips.

" Oh sweetie, I only tease. You would still be you in little bit's of leather and fur or the cloth of a mage, but I like 'my knight in shining armor'. It suits you well". With that, I smacked him on the chest with a closed fist twice, and then picked up my pack, slinging it over my shoulder.

When we got to the main floor, Nelthas was sitting at a table with platters of food. I think my mouth actually started watering at the sight of some sweet rolls and apple and glaze topped confections. When I looked into the clay jug with beads of water running down and realized it was cold milk, I looked over my shoulder at Signar and winked, then plopped down on Nelthas's lap and gave him a great big kiss on the lips.

" I think I'm in love, you see sweetie, this is how you feed me in the morning". I looked over at Signar who had just sat down in the chair next to us and picked up an apple pastie. He waved the pastry in front of my face and then stopped right at my lips.

"Oh, fickle is the tummy when cooked apples and sugar are presented." I grabbed his wrist and held his hand still as I took a bite out of the pastry. Then I got up and sat in the third chair. Laughing he dropped the pastry on my plate and started piling his with meat, eggs, and bread. "So Mr. Doom and Gloom, what bad news's do you have for us this morning?" I was only half teasing, as I had seen the look on his face when we first came down the steps.

"Nelthas", I snapped my fingers in front of his face, " He isn't going to try slicing you up with that great big bloody axe, you're an assassin, threaten to kill him in his sleep if he tries anything...of course you could always throw daggers at him." Signar gwaufed and Nelthas looked at me like I was insane.

"Muthsera, how old are you? 12?" I stuck my tongue out at him and crossed my eyes, which he shook his head at.

"Well, my ancient Dunmer friend, that depends on the way you figure my age."

"I am not ancient, I'm only 121 years old, nothing to my people" Signar laughed and muttered something about his great Grannie would have been that old had she still lived. " So really how old are you? Sometimes you have a maturity that Elders would envy and other times, you act the child."

"Day's lived? I suppose if you added them all up I would be slightly older than you, some 150  to 200 years old. All those Oblivion gates took more than a day to close you know. But that was only one part of my life. I spent 10 yr's as an advisor to an Emperor, but was assassinated when I proved un-corruptible. Among other things. Now, as I come back  exactly the same age each time I am resurrected, I was two months shy of my seventeenth birthday the first time I died." Signar dropped his fork on the table and looked hard at me.

"Love that is the one thing you never asked, so I thought it really didn't matter how old I appear to be." He picked up his fork and looked down at his food. My heart dropped for a moment until he looked back up.

"No, My  Lady, your age matters not, you have lived more than anyone that I know, have more life than most. I was just surprised that, Uh.. physically, you are so young." I searched his face and as he didn't at all look conflicted, I dropped that subject and went back to what I wanted to know.

"Nelthas, the bad new's that you are avoiding, I'm pretty sure we need to know." He took a drink of his mead and then set the mug down with a preciseness that it really didn't need.

" I talked to a contact last night, about Esbern, so I know where he is, exactly where he is. He has food taken to his...umm cell? That is the way the rooms were explained to me like Riften was built on an old sunken prison. Anyway, that's not the bad news, obviously. The bad news is that the Thalmor are down in the Ratway, they have not found him, but it is only a matter of time." As I stood up ready to go, "Sit, Akemmi, their is no point in running off not prepared." he looked over at Signar and narrowed his eyes, Signar starred back at him passively.

" Signar, how well do you swim?" That got a reaction, Signar started and then rolled a shoulder.

" I can't, not in armor, I'd sink". Even Tex snorted at that,

"The Sky is blue sweetie, we kinda know that". He looked at me with tight lips.

" I can't swim, not at all. I grew up in Windhelm, the water is too cold most of the year, even the Argonians have problems in the middle of winter and can't stay in the water to long. So basically I never learned. Why?"

Nelthas looked down at the table with a troubled look in his face and then drew the knife he kept in his boot, running in through his fingers in an exercise that could easily cut a finger off. Something he only did when he was extremely agitated and couldn't pace. Then he sighed and stuck the knife in the table. He looked straight at Signar and started to explain.

" My contact said that there are so many Thalmor rummaging around in the ratway, that even if we can sneak in, we would never be able to get him out the same way. Their is another way, but according to my contact, at least half the path is full of water and would require some swimming. Some of the tunnels might even be submerged." He paused and waited to see if Signar was going to say anything, then continued when he just looked down at his plate. " That is only if we couldn't fight our way back out, but fighting might not be the best way. And just to make our life even harder, I couldn't buy a horse for Esbern, and the Thalmor mage that was there wanted to know who the other horses belonged to.  I doubt they will allow us to just walk out with Esbern." I thought fast and came up with a couple alternatives, but the best one would be just Nelthas and I going into the Ratway.

"So we ride away, Signar and Tex stay with the horses, you and I sneak back in and get Esbern?" I looked over at Signar, who was still looking down at his plate, his hand's both in his lap. I could see the tension in his neck muscles that he was trying very hard to hide.

"I would go by myself if I thought for a second that I could get the old man out by myself. No one would see me if I did not wish to be seen." I nodded at his words, I knew he was good. I was still looking at Signar, who finally heaved a sigh and looked up at me. His jaw was rock hard and his eye's like ice blue chips. His voice when he finally talked was gruff with tension, but I didn't see any anger, just resolution.

"If it is the best way, then that is what we will do. I do not like it, my Lady, I am sworn to protect you, but more than that, you are my life, I do not like the idea of you out of my sight, doing something so dangerous. I cannot protect you if you are not with me." He turned to Nelthas and if his face and voice were gruff before, now they were hard as steel and the look in his eyes would turn a dragon on its tail. "Guard her with your life." Nelthas nodded at those words, his face passive.. I sighed, I couldn't take care of myself.

That is how I found myself in the Ratway, behind a ghost. The only reason I knew he was there at times, was the spell I used to track him, it was a passive spell that effected my sight and that was it, once caste no one would be able to trace it back to me or sense the power it took to create it.  A whispered hsst and I would stop, hugging the shadow's, he would be gone for a few minutes and then  he would touch my arm and off we would go again.

Sometimes I would catch the metallic smell of blood and knew he had killed someone.  I even saw the glint of gold that meant a Thamor soldier in eleven armor. Once when we ran into a room of Thalmor soldiers, I drank a potion that made me invisible, Nelthas may have done the same or he might just have turned into a ghost, assassins have their own tricks. It was a tense few minutes, because while the potion made me invisible and my boots had a muffle enchant, someone could still walk into me, which would make both moot.

When we got to the door that Nelthas's map said belonged to Esbern, it took repeating something that Delphine had said to get him to open the door. Nelthas closed and locked it behind us. Esbern started and gave him a searching look, but then turned back to me.

"Esbern, we don't have much time, the Thalmor are looking for you and know you are down here. We need to get going fast." I was looking around his room and trying to figure out how much of this stuff he would want to take and what was to dangerous to leave behind intact.

"What's the point, Alduin is on the loose, the end of the world draws near, the God's have forsaken us. Their is nothing man can do against him". I looked at the old man and decided it was either my humor or a frying pan.

"Well, it's a good thing I am no man, Esbern, cause I will defeat Alduin. Akatosh gave me the Dragonblood for a reason and I figure it wasn't to gossip with dragon bones."

"You... your Dragonborn, well that changes everything. I need, well, their are things that I need, let me get them together."  I watched him flit from one side of the room to the other, stuffing things in waterproof pouches. That was good. All the pouches were put in a leather backpack and then he stood in the middle of the room with a frown on his face.

"What's wrong Esbern, we really need to get going before they find us".

"There is still information here that should not get into the Thalmors hands, but we can't take it all."

I looked around the room and saw some bottles of oil, which I spread over the room, while Esbern and Nelthas stood near the door.

" I will cast a Fire rune in the doorway, if anyone opens the door, it all goes up in flames. We should be long gone by then." Nelthas opened the door at that and to all our surprise, there stood a Thalmor mage with his hand up like he was getting ready to knock on the door. Nelthas was not slow, a dagger went into the man's throat before he could even open his mouth. I cast a spell for a Frost Atronach and Esbern must have had the same thought. He walked out the door and started throwing ice-spikes at one of the two soldiers, Nelthas was shooting arrows at the other, both Atronach's closing in quickly.

I turned and closed the door most of the way and spoke the words to the spell and held them in my hand till I placed it on the other side of the door facing down, caste it, pulling my hand out and closing the door. The soldiers dead, all in this cell was quiet, but we could hear booted feet coming in our direction.

Nelthas motioned for us to follow him and I put down a rune trap on every doorway, sometimes on the door itself, sometimes on the knob or the ground. We went quietly through the passageways, Nelthas sometimes stopping to consult his map.

We started hearing the explosions that said my runes were being set off. Nelthas would not be hurried and we made it to one point and he dropped a torch off a drop-off, then jumped down himself, looking back up at the two of us. It wasn't far, but too far for an old man to jump, so he climbed down and Nelthas helped him the last bit. Nelthas then looked up at me and I jumped down, he caught me and set me down and off into the dark he went.

When we hit another drop off I cast a small mage light, it was barely more than candlelight and showed water, but not how deep. I told Nelthas to lower me down, as it would be easier. He did but had to drop me the last little bit. The water was hip-deep on me, but the men had no trouble wading through it.

Ahead there was a dim light, Esbern and I walked very slowly as Nelthas went ahead to check it out.  He was halfway there when he was swept off his feet and we saw him disappear over the edge.  I cast a stronger mage light and saw the second tunnel and how the water speed had picked up, where the two met.

I thought quickly, as I would prefer not to go over the edge in the same fashion, and did the one thing I could think of. I pulled some power through my focus stone and cast an ice storm spell. While it had the desired effect, the ice wasn't thick enough to walk on. Esbern cast another ice storm spell on top of mine and the ice thickened. Once more for each of us and we could walk over the ice with no problems. It wouldn't last long but didn't need to.

When we got to the end, I held on to the grate and looked down. The drop wasn't as far as I feared it would be and I could see Nelthas swimming below. Esbern looked at me and I asked how well he could swim, he said like a fish and we jumped as we heard voices back down the tunnel.

Thankfully the water was deep and we swam to shore in the same direction that Nelthas had taken.